Auto reboot zeroshell in night

Thứ tư - 31/07/2019 11:28
Because i have some kernel panic in 2-3 days, i think it will be better to perform a reboot in night.
Auto reboot zeroshell in night

I was really a noob in linux because it’s very easy

1 / Open the STARTUP/CRON tab in System/setup
2 / Add a job and give a name
3 / After the #line, in a new line, type “reboot” without quotes
4/ Choose time and date to start the script. Save it. Example 01 00 * * *
5/ Re-open the startup/cron tab to make a test (it’s better)

That’s all

Auto reboot OpenWrt router every day to increase stability

# Reboot at 5:30am every day
# Note: To avoid infinite reboot loop, wait 70 seconds ( # Lưu ý: Để tránh vòng lặp khởi động lại vô hạn, hãy đợi 70 giây )
# and touch a file in /etc so clock will be set
# properly to 5:31 on reboot before cron starts.

10 12 * * * sleep 70 && touch /etc/banner && reboot
30 5 * * * sleep 70 && touch /etc/banner && reboot

How to enable Open Wrt Remote Login Access Configuration step to step

enable remoter openwrt


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